Friday, 27 July 2012

V diet 2: Days 26-33

Days 26-33

I've had a lot of food this week. This post will just be about that, with lots of pictures. 

For my fourth HSM, I decided to invite my friends from the gym and have one of our famous burger nights. We make our own burgers using just mince meat, salt, pepper and cheese. They are amazing. The bread and tomato ketchup are unhealthy though so I made with healthy alternatives. For bread I made "oopsie rolls". I took the recipe from here. I added ground flax seed and ground nuts so they were more bread like. I didn't have a muffin tin so I used a pizza tray and cut them up after. They were actually quite good. They could hold about 2 burgers. We were all quite surprised. For ketchup I used tomato paste, vinegar and sugar free bbq spices.That also turned out surprisingly good. 

One Big Oopsie Roll

A double burger- I had a couple of these. AMAZING!

During the weekend I was quite busy moving house so actually not having to cook worked out really well. I wasn't that hungry until about Sunday evening and then I went to sleep knowing I would eat Monday. 

So far I've lost 9 lbs. That doesn't sound a lot to lose in 4 weeks but I only lost 12 lbs the first time and you do lose less the second time. Physically I can see the difference and rather annoyingly my trousers keep falling down. I recorded my weight every day, always before going to the gym but after going for a wee and of course always naked. 

Weight Chart
It is recommended that you don't weigh yourself everyday as the fluctuations can drive you crazy but as I had done the diet once before I decided to go for it and thought it might be interesting. 

The fluctuations and the weight loss slow down in weeks 5 and 6 when you start eating. Unfortunately, due to some practical implications I can't keep this going in weeks 5 and 6. I will keep an eye on the weight though.

For day 29 I had another burger with the left over meat from before and then days 30 and 31 I had a Prawn & Salmon Avocado salad. It was very filling and satisfying. 

Salmon, Prawn and Avocado Salad with Paprika

Day 32: We went to the pub. I was quite worried about this. I especially hate asking the waitress to change a set menu, i.e ask for Salad instead of chips but I thought I might as well go for it. It turned out really well and I got ham, eggs and salad with a green salad. 

Ham, eggs and Salad with wholegrain mustard

I'm assuming there isn't any sugar in the mustard, or at least not much. 

Day 33: I'm going out for a small posh work dinner tonight. The set menu we are all getting is:
Starters: Fig and Goat Cheese Salad
Main: Roast Beef with Mushrooms and Potatoes
Dessert: Creme Brulee
Drinks: Red Wine

I'm going to have to be careful with the Potatoes and Creme Brulee. I'm going to drink my 3rd shake only an hour before the dinner so hopefully I won't be too hungry. 

Thursday, 19 July 2012

V diet 2: Days 18-25

Days 18-25

Wow I haven't written in a while. That is probably because nothing interesting has happened, plus I've been doing some work.

I had my 3rd solid meal on day 21 and I'll have my next tomorrow (day 26). I can't wait. It means that I only go for 5 days straight without a solid meal and psychologically it makes a big difference. 

My third meal was baked turkey covered in egg & anari (cypriot whey) cheese and some almond flour. The idea was to get a breaded like taste. It did work. However, I realised breaded meat is actually quite crap without the sauce. It is quite dry. The pizza was still amazing. The green stuff you see in the picture below is kale. Kale is amazing! It is super good for you and tastes great after baking with a little bit of olive oil and salt. 

I've noticed that I'm craving more sugary unhealthy stuff than ever before. I especially want to attempt to bake healthy versions of unhealthy snacks e.g. protein cookies and crepes. I'm not sure why I'm getting that craving now more so than before. 

I miss wine too but thats not news. I always miss wine, even when I'm not giving it up. 

Wee wise- I'm drinking a lot more water and it is good but I end up having to go quite a lot and it is really annoying! 

I can't wait till this week is over, but with less than 3 days left I can see the end is near. 

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

V Diet 2: Day 11-17

Days 14-17

Ok I'm a bit bored. I'm pretty much used to the shakes. I don't hate them and I don't love them. I decided this would be a good time to add spices (cinnamon/nutmeg) to shake 4 and it is much much better now! They take away the disgusting after taste from the superfood. It is quite scary how normal I find it now. I overheard someone say that they were in a rush to cook dinner and I remember thinking ha I don't have that if I'm the lucky who has shakes instead. Don't get me wrong, my next meal is going to be amazing! 

Day 14

I've just finished my second hsm and I don't feel like I'm going to explode this time. Don't get me wrong, this has nothing to do with self control or learning lessons from last week. I was simply in a rush to catch the train and didn't have enough time to scoff food down me. I am however quite full so it is probably for the best. 

The food was amazing, as expected. I cooked pork chops slowly at a low heat with white wine and bay leafs.

Day 13

I met up with some friends that I haven't seen in a while. I had to have a shake with them and it is always odd explaining to someone what you are doing. It gets weirder when you pull out a bag of protein and make the shake. I looked like a druggie getting a kick, except I don't enjoy it. 

My lil legs still hurt. I hope they are recovered for training on Monday. 

Day 12

I'm pretty sure I offended people today and I didn't even talk about my poo. I had to reject some home made alcoholic beverage. It sucks, I would've loved to have tried it too but I was a bit fed up of explaining the diet to more people. 

Day 11

I had interval training this morning. That sucked. Not sure why I'm doing it as it isn't in the diet plan but it does get me out of doing NEPA. 

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

V diet 2: Day 8-10

Day 10

My wrist f****ing hurts. Today's gym session was a bit shit for me. I failed (EPICALLY!) during the last exercise. I was doing the barbell complex and I dropped the bar when it was on my chest. I was tempted to carry on but coach stopped me. Probably for the best.

I feel a lot better than before. I think exercise and an additional shake help a lot.

Day 9

I've pretty much spent the whole day feeling like crap. I was hungry and tired. Really hungry! I was tempted to go for a nap. I spent the afternoon looking at pictures of HSMs (see here for vocab) on the t-nation forum. That didn't help me stop being hungry. I went home and rested for an hour and then did the v-burn challege. Surprisingly I felt great after that. I had loads of energy and didn't really want to go to sleep. I went to the bar and that was ok, it didn't feel too weird that I wasn't drinking.

Day 8

I still feel full from yesterdays meal.I'm sure my poo will be epic. I'm going to go swing dancing tonight. Hopefully that won't kill me.

Monday, 2 July 2012

V diet 2: Day 6-7

Day 7

No training today and I get eat. This should've been the best day ever! Unfortunately it didn't quite work like that...

Oh my god I'm so stuffed. I've eaten soooo much. I never want to eat again.

For my first HSM I made a mexican pizza with a salad. I used about a cup of flaxseed, half a cup of peanut flour and another half cup of almond flour. I probably used a bit too much flaxseed as you could smell it. I then mashed avocado to make guacamole and added garlic powder. It turns out I'm not so keen on garlic powder, fresh is much nicer. I then added tomatoes (which were amazing!), green peppers, turkey breast, olives, jalapeƱos and reduced fat cheese.

The pizza was sooo good and the salad was really amazing. At about 1/4 way in I started to feel full then 1/2 way I thought I should stop. By 3/4 of the way through I thought I was going to explode and I was actually in pain. I stopped there.

Meal before I started eating

What I couldn't finish
I really didn't want the last shake a couple of hours later but I forced myself to have it, after some encouragement from friends. 

Day 6

We did interval training today. It was awful. I was drenched in sweat by the end of it and it sucked not being able to go for lunch after. However, it was quite a busy day, which was good. Recovering from the intervals was surprisingly fast

I had a couple of celebrations that evening but being sober sucked. Damn I want to drink. Alcohol is definitely one of the hardest things to give up on this diet.