Friday, 29 June 2012

V Diet 2: Days 4-5

Day 5

I think I cried today. I'm not sure. Maybe it was a bead of sweat rolling down my face or maybe it was a tear drop, either way I was in pain and I wasn't happy. I was in the gym and had to do 50 push-ups as quickly as possible. Last week I did 30 in a row and then smaller sets to get to 50. This week I got to 25 and I couldn't get off the floor. Even just to get up. I was just on the floor sweating. Eventually I did the 50 but it took twice as long as last week which defeats the purpose- so pissed.

WARNING- if you don't want to read about my poo stop reading now. Not being able to do push-ups wasn't the only interesting thing that happened to me. My poo is definitely back to the green tinge that it had last time I was on the diet but even more weirdly I saw a red bit in it! It was like red pepper.

Day 4

I spent lunchtime and dinner in public places. That sucked. I hate watching people eat when I can't. Sunday is going to be sooo good.

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

V diet 2: Days 2-3

Day 2

The poo and wee situation seem good so far. Poo-wise it is better than a low carb diet. Maybe I don't take enough fibre on my normal low-carb diet. Interestingly, the wee situation is different to last time. Last time the wee was clear, whilst this time it is more yellow. I think the total volume of liquid I'm consuming is the same so I think I'm losing less water now. I'll keep you updated.

I did the v-burn challenge today- 28min 50 seconds- oh yeaaa. This is about half the time compared to the first week last time. I guess it helps when you actually do the exercises you are supposed to instead of spinning and the extra stuff I did.

Day 3

I woke up after dreaming about souvlakia today. Mmm pitta bread and salad. I'm drooling thinking about it now.

Gym today was very hard. I did a barbell complex as one exercise, this involved 10 reps of: Deadlifts, Barbell rows, Power Cleans, Overhead press and Squats. I had a 90s break and did 4 sets in total. I was covered in sweat. I thought I was going to die. I went to lean against the wall and coach asked me what I was doing. I thought to myself 'Shit I'm not invisible'. I really need to work on that.

I really didn't want the recovery shake and that is the nicest one but took it anyway. I hope I can recover to do some work today.

Monday, 25 June 2012

V Diet 2: Days 0-1

Day 0

I woke up early to collect everything I need for the diet. It was a lot! Every now and again I would look at it and think 'fuck, this is insane!'. 

At about 1pm I had everything ready to put into bags. The idea is to have 1 bag for each shake and you take 5 shakes everyday for 6 weeks. It took about 6 hours to do it. By the end I was covered in crap and my room stank of protein flavourings. It wasn't all bad though, I got to watch 6 hours of tv- a lot of 'The Simpsons' and I saw 'The Three Musketeers' - the book is much better. Packing with a group of friends last time was much much more fun!

Later, I went for my last solid meal for the next week. I decided it had to be
1. Unhealthy
2. A lot of it
3. Not enjoyable. 
4. Something I would normally crave. 

The point was that I would eat soooo much of what I would normally crave that I'll never want to see it again and so wouldn't crave it on the diet. I decided Chinese was the best option and ordered the meal before.   

Chinese food: no idea what exactly, the owner recommended it

I certainly did a good job- white processed rice (bad carbs), the sauces (lots of sugar and probably white flour), spring rolls (pastry) in addition to unhealthy fats all over.....I ate all of it up. I hated myself by the end of it...success!

Day 1

I woke up at 6.45am. Last week I was going to sleep at that time. I got everything ready to have that first shake. As soon as I started tasted it lots of memories came flooding back. Weirdly it wasn't the nice happy ones of being relieved of hunger, no it was memories of having to hide the shakes and drinking them alone whilst everyone else was eating lunch. 

I went straight to the gym and did the new work out. Surprisingly it wasn't as bad as two weeks ago. 

Since the first v-diet I've started eating a salad every lunch time. I really wanted a salad today. The rest of the day was fine. I wasn't really hungry most of the day. Little things were annoying like, I want milk in my tea. I guess there are bigger problems to come...

Velocity Diet Round 2: Why Oh Dear God Why?

The velocity diet is insane. If you've never heard of it before you can read my brief summary on it here. It is clear that it was written by insane people for insane people. You have to be pretty crazy to do it, you've certainly got to be downright stupid to do it why am I doing it again?

The first reason is that it actually works! You notice a significant change in your physique within 3 weeks and that is a huge motivator. I lost about 21lbs and kept that off for many months after the diet. I really want to lose more of the belly fat now though. The second reason is that whilst I really want to eat solid food, it is quite nice how organise everything is and the fact that you don't have to cook. I'm hoping the experience from the first time will help.

Why am I doing this blog?

The first blog was intended to be light hearted and funny, whilst informing anyone who is interested on aspects of the v-diet that are never asked. e.g. what is your poo like? There are many serious blogs about what the v-diet is like but none go into that kind of detail. The point of this one is to maintain the light heartedness of the first but compare with the first time that I did it too.

I hope you will enjoy reading it as much as I will enjoy writing it.